2010西南地区农业行业十佳雇主评选活动 主办单位:西南农业人才网 7AHR职业顾问中心
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    Founded in 1863 in Germany, Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the fields of health care, nutrition and high-tech materials. From our headquarters in Leverkusen, Germany, on the bank of the Rhine River near Cologne, our network reaches across the globe. Today there are more than 350consolidated Bayer companies through out the world. Bayer had 113,600 employees locating in decades of countries/area. Bayer(Sichuan) Animal Health Co., Ltd. Was jointly established in Aug.1996 by Bayer(China) Co., Ltd and Sichuan Province Materials and Equipment Company of Animal Medicine and Appliance with a total investment of US$16,566 million. Since production began in May1997, the company has developed and introduced 53 kinds of products with over 80 specifications of animal health products and disinfectant-products into the Chinese market, which are in accordance with the high quality international standards set by Bayer Group’s Animal Health Division. In Bayer, we provide good environment to work and grow to you. We understand your need of career development and we encourage innovative and initiative spirit. If your are willing to walk with us from good to great, we sincerely invite you to join us. We provide competitive compensation and staff development program to you. 德国拜耳公司创立于1863年,是一家全球性的跨国公司,其核心业务为医药保健、营养品及高科技材料.公司总部位为莱茵河畔的勒沃库森,业务遍及世界各地,公司在全球拥有350多家子公司和113600名员工. 拜耳(四川)动物保健有限公司于1996年8月成立于成都,总投资额为1600万美元.自1997年5月开始生产至今,公司在国内市场推出了53种,80多个规格的动物保健产品及消毒产品,所有产品均符合拜耳动物保健部高品质国际标准. 公司为员工提供良好的工作环境和发展机会。我们了解你对事业发展的期待,同时我们鼓励创新和积极主动的精神。如果您想与我们一起,从优秀走向卓越,我们诚邀您的加盟,我们将为你提供具有竞争力的薪酬和员工发展计划。

所在行业:畜牧水产业 公司规模:50-200人 公司类型:外商独资  所在地区:四川-成都-双流县 
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